Some Questions Raised by the Practice of Tele-Analysis
François Martin-Vallas (SFPA)
The practice of teleanalysis has been greatly increased by the current pandemic situation. This has led to debates, often heated, about the quality of this setting. I would like to highlight two points in these debates: firstly, the semantic vagueness in which they often take place, and secondly, the fact that tele-analysis is most often assessed in the light of the classic setting and not for what this setting is in itself.
The debate will be opened by the intervention of a colleague who will extend this clinical reflection to the pedagogical, ecological and societal fields.

François Martin-Vallas, MD, PhD, is a supervisor member of the French Society SFPA, and Director of its CG Jung Institut. He actually works in private practice as Analyst, and in the French public child psychiatry service. He is also editor-in-chief of RPA (Revue de Psychologie Analytique).