Pre Congress Workshops
The First Moment: A Clinical Workshop on the Beginning of Analysis
Henry Abramovitch (IIJP) & Jan Wiener (SAP)
This workshop focuses on the importance of beginnings. The quality of the beginning of psychotherapy reverberates throughout the course of the therapeutic relationship and analysis is the only intimate relationship that we know will have an ending.
Using specific clinical and experiential approaches of participants to deepen our understanding, this workshop will explore the personal and archetypal nature of beginnings.
Themes include: when does therapy actually begin; significance of different kinds of beginning for both patients and therapists; good and bad beginnings.

Jan Wiener, (SAP, London) is a Training and Supervising Analyst at the Society of Analytical Psychology. She has recently completed a term of office as Director of Training. She was Vice President of the IAAP from 2010 to 2013 and Co-chair of the IAAP Education Committee with special responsibilities for Router Programmes in Eastern Europe. She is author of numerous papers and articles and four books. The most recent, republished by Routledge (2021), edited with Catherine Crowther is called Jungian Analysts working across Cultural Settings: From Tradition to Innovation.

Henry Abramovitch (Israel, IIJP) is Founding President and senior training analyst at the Israel Institute of Jungian Psychology in Honor of Erich Neumann, Professor Emeritus at Tel Aviv University Medical School and Past President of Israel Anthropological Association. He is active in Israel Interfaith Encounter Association. He supervises Routers in Poland, Serbia, Bulgaria, Greece and Kazakhstan and is Director, Annual Intensive School in Analytical Psychology for Russian Speakers in Israel. He is author of The First Father (2010); Brothers and Sisters: Myth and Reality (2014); Why Odysseus Came Home as a Stranger and Other Puzzling Moments in the Life…Great Individuals (2020), and with Murray Stein, the play, The Analyst and the Rabbi (2019).