Pre Congress Workshops
Active Imagination in Movement – Holding the Tension of the Opposites in a Changing World: Inner & Outer
Tina Stromsted (CGJISF) & David Gerbi (IIJP)
The body is deeply intertwined with the health of the psyche, the spirit, community, and the earth. Analysts can engage the connection between body and psyche as a central clinical tool. By using the body to access and express the imagination, we may discover inner-directed movement as a way to bridge the realms of conscious and unconscious, instinct and spirit, affect and image, memory and emergence, self and other. Our day-long pre-conference workshop will interweave theoretical, experiential, cultural and clinical material - with special attention to the living body in analytic practice. Together we’ll engage and hold the tension between the opposites toward a new level of unity through dreams, the body, and relationship.

Tina Stromsted, Ph.D., MFT, LPCC, BC-DMT, RSME/T, Jungian Psychoanalyst, Dance/ Movement therapist, Somatics educator, & author is the founder of Soul’s Body Center® and past co-founder of the Authentic Movement Institute. She teaches internationally, and at the C.G. Jung Institute in San Francisco, Jung Platform, and the Marion Woodman Foundation. Her private practice is in San Francisco.

Dr. David Gerbi is Jungian psychoanalyst member of IAAP, IIJP, LIRPA. Dancer and performer he conducts international seminars on dream interpretation, integrating Torà studies, psychodrama and Authentic Movement approaches. Nominated Ambassador of peace at the UN. Awarded the gold medal for "Science, Conscience and Culture” for his activism and books on peace. His private practice is in Rome.