Pre Congress Workshops
Cultural Complex
Thomas Singer (CGJISF)
Tom Singer's workshop will focus on the development of the cultural complex theory over the past twenty years. It will include theoretical, cultural, historical and clinical examples from the researches in Europe, Latin America, North America, Australia, and Far East Asia. The workshop will be interactive and participants will be encouraged to include their own examples, whether cultural or clinical.

Thomas Singer, MD, is a psychiatrist and Jungian psychoanalyst who trained at Yale Medical School, Dartmouth Medical School, and the C. G. Jung Institute of San Francisco. He is the author of many books and articles that include a series of books on cultural complexes that have focused on Australia, Latin America, Europe, the United States, and Far East Asian countries, in addition to another series of books featuring Ancient Greece, Modern Psyche. He serves on the board of ARAS (Archive for Research into Archetypal Symbolism) and has edited ARAS Connections for many years.