Pre Congress Master Classes
Master Class of Supervision Control-cases: A multidimensional model to approach the elements and dynamics of psychological processes
Eduardo Carvallo (SCAJ - SVAJ)
Case-control is one of the fundamental pillars in training as Jungian analysts; however, there are no programs that offer tools as supervisors for those responsible for such training.
In recent years, a group of analysts with experience in this field, have systematized a multidimensional approach to case-control, that facilitates the identification and understanding of the dynamics present in psychotherapeutic processes and in the patient-analyst relationship, necessary for their following as supervisors.
Studying clinical cases, we will recognize and amplify the different dimensions and stages that can make our role as supervisors more effective and reliable.

Eduardo Carvallo (Caracas, 1960)
Has participated in Psychotherapist’s training processes since 1990 after becoming a psychiatrist and Humanistic psychotherapist in Venezuela.
He trained as Jungian-analyst under López-Pedraza’s mentorship (Archetypal Psychology’s co-founder).
He has participated as analyst and supervisor on many Jungian training processes in different countries -an unique opportunity for exploring the psyche´s auto-regulation and auto-organization dynamics, and its application to clinical work.
Past president of the SCAJ and SVAJ. He is the chair of the CLAPA
He lives in Colombia since 2.011, where he runs his private and academic practice mostly in on-line basis.