Pre Congress Master Classes
Master Class of Supervision
Donald Grasing (JPA)
This class will focus on borderline, or mercurial, dynamics from a Jungian perspective. These patients are often known for their level of difficulty however they are also often our greatest teachers. I would like to hear presentations on two patients in analysis who present with these kinds of dynamics. Dreams are welcome but not necessary. Naturally the management of the analytic frame and of countertransference will be important. My understanding is that in our field we often look to object-relations when confronted with borderline dynamics, however an analytical approach can be just as useful.

Donald Grasing is a Jungian analyst in private practice in New York City. He is a faculty member and current President of the Jungian Psychoanalytic Association; and has taught for the C.G. Jung Foundation of New York. He is also a faculty member of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine Department of Psychiatry.