Lectures - Other
Embodied Archetypal Meditations: Mindfulness, loving kindness and Self Compassion
Paulo Bloise (SBrPA)
Mindfulness is a type of meditation that shares similarities and differences with others practices like concentration, Loving-Kindness and Self-Compassion. In each morning we will explore one type of meditation, with practices, talk and brief explanations.

Paulo Vicente Bloise, Psychiatrist, with a master degree in Psychiatry, Junguian Analyst, affiliated to IAAP. Coordinator of a program for Psychiatric crisis intervention for 20 years (1988-2008) at Unifesp* and from 2004 to 2011, created a group of body-mind medicine (Anthropos**). In 2010, together with colleagues of various medical disciplines, created the first integrative medicine group at our university (Numepi***). Author of five books: like (O Tao e a Psicologia, Ed. Angra, 2000), about Daoism and Analytical Psychology; and (Saúde Integral, Ed. Senac, 2011) as organizer and co-author, about integrative medicine. MBSR Instructor (Umass Medical School). Trained Teacher of Mindfulness and Self-Compassion program.
* Unifesp: Universidade Federal de São Paulo
** Anthropos: núcleo de integração mente, corpo e espiritualidade.
*** Numepi: Núcleo de Medicina e Práticas Integrativas