Lectures - Other
Nise da Silveira, lady of images.
Vera Macedo (AJB), Clauda Brasil (AJB - SEPA) & Walter Boechat (AJB - AGAP)
Nise da Silveira's biography is unique, revealing the strength of her personality, as a pioneer of new paths in psychiatry and psychotherapy, applying Jung's ideas with great originality in the treatment of psychoses. Instead of aggressive treatments such as electroshock therapy, she developed an approach based on expressive techniques. on plastic productions of schizophrenics. In Rio de Janeiro, she founded the Museum of Images of the Unconscious, which houses one of the largest collections of paintings of psychotic patients in the world and Casa das Palmeiras, which has a large collection of plastic productions by schizophrenics. Casa das Palmeiras fulfills one of Nise da Silveira's dreams: a more humane treatment for the psychotic patient, also avoiding readmissions. She had a personal meeting with Jung in 1957, when she organized a historic exhibition of the Museum of Images of the Unconscious during the II World Congress of Psychiatry in Zurich.
The cultural event “Nise da Silveira, Lady of Images” consists of an exhibition of paintings by patients from Casa das Palmeiras and a communication about the life and meaning of the work of this great Jungian pioneer.
Walter Boechat, MD, PhD, is a graduate of the C. G. Jung Institute- Zurich. Founding-member of Jungian Association of Brazil - (AJB - IAAP). Past Representative of AJB at the Executive Committee of IAAP from 2007 to 2013. Member of the Executive Committee of Casa das Palmeiras, founded by Dr. Nise da Silveira. He wrote: The Red Book of C. G. Jung: A Journey into Unknown Depths. (London: Routledge, 2017)
Vera Macedo - Technical director of The Casa das Palmeiras - Nise da Silveira. Member of the IJRJ, AJB and IAAP.
Claudia Katerina Vieira Brasil Psychologist (CRP: 05/13097) Art therapist (AARJ: 009/0399) Training analyst member of the Junguiano Institute of Rio de Janeiro, Brazilian Jungian Association, (AJB: 0069) Affiliated to IAAP. Senior analyst at the Sociedad Española de Psicologia Analytic (SEPA: 0132) Collaborator at Casa das Palmeiras, Nise da Silveira, from 1990 to 2000. Attended the C.G.Jung study group coordinated by Nise da Silveira. Administrative director of Casa das Palmeiras in the 2018 – 2020 administration. Author of the book: Colors, shapes and expression from Wak publisher. 2013.
Maria Cecilia Nobrega Jungian psychologist analyst Contributor to Casa das Palmeiras Organization Rio de Janeiro - Brasil
Talita Tunala Jungian psychologist analyst Contributor to Casa das Palmeiras Organization Rio de Janeiro - Brasil